Thesis 2021-2023

Student NameInstitutionCity and countryMaster Project TitleEmail
ADALETA OMERBASICUMR-I 02 SEBIO – Stress Environnementaux et BIOsurveillance des milieux aquatiques. UniversitéLe Havre, Normandie.Effects of the UV filter Benzophenone-3 on the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis)
AKINWALE ABIOLA SAHEEDInstitute of Analytical sciences and Physico-chemistry for the Environment and Materials (IPREM). The University of Pau and Pays de l’adour.Pau, France.Biodegradation of emerging
ANTARA BINTA AKKASDepartment of Biological and Environmental Science, Gothenburg UniversityGothenburg, Sweden.Endocrine disrupting chemicals mixtures modulate behavior and metabolic and rate in the turquoise killfish (Nothobranchius furzeri)
AWOT GEORGE UKBAMICHAELInstituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro Nacional de Sanidad Ambiental, Risk Assessment UnitMadrid, SpainTowards Landscape ERA: Reinterpretation of ecotoxicological results for assessing combined pesticides effects at population
ANGELA DANIELA SALAZAR GUTIERREZInstituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR)Porto, PortugalFish cell culture as a tool to assess the cellular and molecular changes induced by environmental
FRANCO CATUOGNODepartment of clinical sciences and community health, University of MilanMilan, ItalyHuman biomonitoring of the exposure to volatile organic compounds in workers of an oil regeneration plant.
IRAIDE SAEZ ZAMACONAUniversity of Alicante.Alicante, Spain.Industrial brines bioremediation using Haloferax mediterranei R4 strain: the case of desalination plant, textile and olive production
IRAITZ JAUREGUI TOLOSABasque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)Leioa, Basque Country (Spain)Vibrio. More than just a
JUDITH OSARETIN EHIGIEDepartment of Environmental Biotechnology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZLeipzig, GermanyFate of Emerging Organic Compounds In Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands Operated Under Pulse Loading.
KEHINDE OLAJIDESolvay Research and Innovation Centre.Lyon, France.Validation of an in vitro high throughput method for the assessment of cytotoxicity of
ATHAPATHTHU HERATH MUDIYANSELAGE LIHINI NILMA KUMARIQueen’s University Belfast.Northern Ireland, UK.Impacts of biodegradable micro and nano plastics (BMNP) on human
LIZLIT C. CABAGInterdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental ResearchMatosinhos, Portugal.Rizosphere bacterial communities: Unveiling metal resistance for application in microbial-assisted phytoremediation of digestate amended
NGUYEN MAI ANHInstitute of Soil Science, Leibniz University HannoverHannover, GermanyPhytoliths deriving from rice straw open burning: effect of ashing temperature and dissolution on changing particle size and

Trondheim, Norway

Copenhagen, Denmark

Persistent organic pollutants, steroid hormones and bone density of polar bears (Ursus Maritimus) from East Greenland
MANUEL ALEJANDRO ANDINO ENRIQUEZEnvironmental Sciences Institute (ICAM), University of Castilla-La ManchaToledo, SpainNew methods based on magnetic nano-sorbents for the determination of
MIREIA PULIDO ANTONInstitute for Marine and Coastal Research (INVEMAR).Santa Marta, ColombiaAssessment of marine litter and microplastic pollution and analysis of citizen perception in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombian

EAWAG – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology

ETH – Zurich

Kastanienbaum, Luzern, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Trace Metals in the Arctic Rivers of Southern Greenland: Distribution, Controls, and
RONNY RAFAEL ZEGARRA PEÑAPlentziako Itsas Estazioa (PiE).Plentzia, Basque Country (Spain)Establishing a filamentous cyanobacteria sampling isolation method towards the establishment of a SCOPRI (Surveillance of Composition, Prediction and restoration through intervention) program in the Bay of
SARIA SATO BAJRACHARYANorwegian University of Science and Technology,Trondheim, NorwayExploring 4000 Years of Mercury Variation in the Antlers of Svalbard Reindeer in the High
MST TAZMIN AKHTERHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)Leipzig, GermanyAssessing the Interference of Drugs on Cellular Efflux Transporter Activity of Zebrafish Embryo by Rhodamine-B Dye Uptake
THOMAS SAGREDOSpanish National Centre for Environmental Health – Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIMadrid, Spain.New approaches for  environmental risk assessment of pesticides for the EU PARC Project: Focus on French Vineyards. 

Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics,

Department of Environmental Systems Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich).

Zurich, SwitzerlandMarine plastic additives as molecular
YOCE APRIANTOINRAE – UMR ECOSYS, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-SaclayPalaiseau, FranceCharacterizing the environmental face and ecotoxicological effects of pesticide transformation products in aquatic ecosystems using the typol
ZEINAB HASANAmerican University of Sharjah.Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.Toxicological and Health Risk Assessment of Ehrenberg’s Snapper in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Laboratory of Oceanic & Continental Environments and
Paleoenvironments (EPOC) at the Université de Bordeaux;
Institute of Chemistry & Biology of Membranes & Nano-objects (CBMN),
National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)  
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea – University of the Basque Country
Bilbo, Basque Country (Spain)Validation of citizen scientists’ data and analysis of participants’ opinions in a project aimed at understanding about microscopic diversity on

Thesis 2020-2022

Student Name Institution City and country Master Project Title Email
ANUMAH, ABDULRAHEEM OKEHI University of Porto Porto, Portugal Derivation of soil screening levels for arsenic using a portuguese regosol.
ANA CAMILA ZENTENO ILLANES Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge Cambridge, England Determination of chemical composition of algal and insect biomass generated during fruit and vegetable waste remediation.
ANABELLA MIRTHA MASSA DECON Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR)University of Porto Porto, Portugal Assessment of cyanobacterial biomass as sustainable agricultural fertilizer: soil-experiment with plants in pot.
DUSHMNTHA NAMAL KOKU HANNADIGE ABEYSOORIYA Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University Leiden, The Netherland Combined effects of microplastics and drought on terrestrial plants.
EVGENI BUNIN University of the Basque Country Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain) Evaluations of strengths and weaknesses of 16S and 23S rRNA genes in differentiation of closely related Vibrio species.
FAITH OMEYI EKOJA Institute Of Molecules and Materials of Le Mans (IMMM) and Mixt research group of Environment, Paleoenvironment Oceanic and Continental (EPOC, CNRS-University of Bordeaux) Le mans and Bordeaux, France Long-term degradation of fishing nets through accelerated aging experiments: kinetics of microplastics and nanoplastics production.
HUGO CARVALHAL SILVA AZTI Foundation Pasaia, Basque Country (Spain) The use of passive samplers as alternative for the impact assessment of dredging activities in port waters.
IFEOLUWA EHIMARE OMOYENI Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Leipzig, Germany Using gene editing to understand how exposure to Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) cause Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT).
JIMENA ERASO MAYORA Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen Bergen, Norway Glucocorticoid receptor activating compounds and their effects on energy metabolism in Atlantic cod (Gadus Morhua).
Luis Mauricio Ortiz-Galvez INTERNATIONAL IBERIAN NANOTECHNOLOGY LABORATORY Braga, Portugal Estimation of probable environmental concentrations of released titanium dioxide nanoparticles i Mexico.
LYEN MARIE MARCELO CASTRO Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway Biomonitoring of rare earth elements in southern Norway: Distribution, fractionation, and accumulation patterns in Mytilus  spp.
MARIIA KUZNETSOVA French National Institute for Sea Exploration (Ifremer) Nantes, France Measurement of telomere length and telomerase activity in soles.
SYARIFATUN NISA NURDHY University of Reims Champagne Ardenne – Yves Rocher Reims, France In vitro ecotoxicity tests of UV filter molecules on C. vulgaris and Common Carp Brain (CCB) cell lines.
JÚLIA GRINYÓ I ESCUER University of Liège Liège, Belgium Mercury and ciguatoxins measurements in two fish species from different lagoons of French Polynesia with evaluation for human consumption.
NAFISE DEIMKAR Laboratoire de Biologie des Ligneux et des Grandes Cultures (LBLGC), UPRES EA 1207 / USC INRAE 1328. UFR Sciences et Techniques, Université d’Orléans Orléans, France Transfer, accumulation and biological impact of metal (loid)s in a soil-water-Vicia faba-aphid continuum in polluted soils Rehabilitated with biochar.
SABA RAFI Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway Pilot study evaluating microRNAs as a potential biomarker of  microplastic exposure in Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica).
SHEHARYAAR FARID Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University Roskilde, Denmark Occurrence and removal of antibiotics from domestic wastewater in a Danish full-scale constructed wetland system.
ZULFATUN NAIMAH Micropolit Project, IPREM Research Unit, Université de Pau et Des Pays de L’Adour Anglet, Paris The study of isolated bacteria from sediment biodegradation of priority and emerging micropollutants.