The Joint Programme Board (JPB) oversees the organisation of the Consortium. It is responsible for the coordination of the delivery, monitoring, evaluation, development and overall arrangements for Quality Assurance of the Programmes.

The permanent members of the JPB are the National Coordinators and a representative from each of the Partner Research Institutions. Each year, two student representatives are included in the JPB, as well as administrative staff. Additional members may be co-opted to the JPB, as necessary, to cover the various disciplines integrated into the Programmes, or to obtain input from industry and Associated Partners.


  • Maren Ortiz-Zarragoitia (Chair; Intnl. Coord.)
  • Krishna Das / Sylvie Gobert (ULiège Coord.)
  • Björn Munro-Jenssen / Åse Krøkje (NTNU Coord.)
  • Agnés Feurtet-Mazel / Nathalie Geneste (UBx Coord.)
  • Mathilde Montperrus / Laurent Lanceleur (UPPA Coord.)
  • Lucia Guilhermino / Vitor Vasconcelos (UPO Coord.)
  • Ionan Marigómez / Olatz Zuloaga (EHU Coord.)
  • Student representative:
    • Forth cohort (2023-2024):
      • Meagan Mehlop
      • Asif Mahmud
    • Third cohort (2022-2024):
      • Oluwafemi Oyenekan
      • Marta Del Castillo
    • Second cohort (2021-2023):
      • Lizlit C. Cabag
      • Kehinde Olajide
    • First cohort (2020-2022):
      • Luis Mauricio Ortiz Galvez
      • Anabella Mirtha Massa Decon
  • Administrative staff representative: Felipa Olivares Sánchez y Jon Ander Bazeta (ECT Secretariat)

The responsibilities of the JPB include: coordinating and determining the contents of the Programmes; the competencies to be achieved by students and the teaching methodology; coordinating the QA of the Programmes; establishing selection criteria for student admission; selection and admission of students; resolving student complaints, in consultation with the relevant Partner University; resolving issues relating to examinations, marking and awards to students in consultation with the relevant Partner University; assigning supervisors, in consultation with the relevant Partner University; coordinating the delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the Programmes; receiving recommendations for the final Award from each Partner University; and considering such recommendations and advising the respective Partner Universities to deliver the Diploma.