Life Long Learning (LLL) & International Postgraduate Courses (IPC)

These courses are directed to Master students, doctoral candidates and professionals aiming to become specialized or updated in different fields.

  • All lectures will be held in English.
  • Participants will receive a certificate with indication of lectures and practicals attended.
  • Students who request it will receive the same academic treatment than the official students enrolled in the Master and will be given marks after examination.
  • Thus, together with the attendance certificate, a supplementary certificate indicating the obtained marks (and ECTS) will be provided (complete certificate).

For registration, the LLL/IPC registration form must be completed and sent to ECTSECRETARIAT ( before the deadline indicated in the Course programme, together with a copy of the bank document indicating that a bank transfer with reference to “LLL/IPC ECT CONSORTIUM (UPV/EHU)” has been made as indicated in the registration form.